Do you believe this is the first day this winter that school has been called off due to snow? My kids were so happy this morning when they woke up! Unfortunately, they still got up early, well, early for THEM. They were both bright eyed by 7:30am. Usually I would have until at least 9am before the blessed me with their presence. (smile) At least they were in a good mood.
They even got along pretty well today, which can be rare! It's still snowing, and then it will change to ice sometime over the night. They are convinced school will be closed tomorrow. I guess we'll see...
In the meantime, since I've been able to work from home for 2 days now, I've had some free time in the evening. It's amazing how much time I have when I'm not making that 2 hour commute (1 hour each way). But in this economy I am feeling very lucky to have a job, so I'm not going to complain about that commute too much.
Here's what I did in my free time today. Enjoy!